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Nowadays a lot of Chinese celebrate Western festivals. Some people are afraid that this would lead to the loss of Chinese culture. What do you think? Write an essay of about 400 words.

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

更新时间:2024-11-24 01:37:21


The Celebration of Western Festivals

No one can have failed to notice the fact that Western festivals gain ever-increasing popularity in China. An increasing number of Chinese are fond of celebrating Western festivals today. On Valentine’s Day, many people, especially the young, give flowers or chocolate to the one they love; when Christmas approaches, nearly every store put on decorations like Santa Claus, snowflakes and even Christmas trees, not to mention the millions of people immersed in the thrilling atmosphere of festival on Christmas Eve; even such holidays as Halloween and the Easter Day are becoming known and celebrated by more and more Chinese. In comparison, such traditional Chinese festivals as the Spring Festival, the Festival of Lanterns and the Mid-Autumn Day seem to be losing their attraction.

In view of such a situation, many are worried that Chinese culture will be ignored or even ruined by the invasion of Western festivals. Personally, I believe that we needn’t be over worried. Actually, the increasing popularity of some Western festivals in China is nothing accidental, but some thing justifiable.

First, it is a part of cultural globalization. With the development of communication science and technology and along with more and more nations opening up to the outside world, the world today has turned into a global village, with many national things becoming international. China is no exception. While we are absorbing advanced science and technology from foreign countries, we are also taking in different cultures.

Secondly, it is a sign of China’s rejuvenating. As a nation boasting a civilization of 5,000 years, Chinese have been known for their spirit of accommodation or open-mindedness. China used to be a melting pot of cultures as the U.S. is today. In the prosperous Tang dynasty, China was host to travelers and settlers from over the world. Actually, being accommodating is a sign of any thriving nation. Therefore, we should be pleased rather than upset to see Chinese people embracing foreign festivals.

It is true that some traditional Chinese festivals are losing their appeal to many people, but this does not necessarily the ruin of Chinese culture. Actually, a closer inspection reveals that most Chinese celebrate Western festivals merely out of the wish to seek novelty, to find a new way to entertain themselves or to express their identity in the face of the older generation. On the other hand, most Chinese have not ignored their native festivals. A convincing proof is that the Spring Festival still sees the largest flow of population in the world as most Chinese rush to their homes for family reunion.

In a word, while we are giving priority to the preservation and development of traditional Chinese culture, we needn’t worry too much about the inflow of foreign culture.





How long have you____?

Unless all the members agree to __8__to the plan there may be further development in the course of action.

I hope you will spend as much time as you can ________ your English.


热门试题 更多>
试题分类: 综合知识
试题分类: 初级电工证(五级)
某工程,实施过程中发生如下事件: 【事件1】:监理合同签订后,监理单位法定代表人要求项目监理机构在收到设计文件和施工组织设计后方可编制监理规划;同意技术负责人要求委托具有类似工程经验的副总工程师审批监理规划; 不同意总监理工程师拟定的担任总监理工程师代表的人选,理由是:该人选仅有工程师职称和5 年工程实践经验, 虽经监理业务培训, 但不具有注册监理工程师资格。 【事件2】:专业工程师在审查施工单位报送的工程开工报审表及相关资料时认为:现场质量、安全生产管理体系已建立,管理及施工人员已到位,进场道路及水、电、通信满足开工要求,但其它开工条件尚不具备。 【事件3】:施工过程中,总监理工程师安排专业监理工程师审批监理实施细则,并委托总监理工程师代表负责调配监理人员、检查监理人员工作和参与工程质量事故的调查。 【事件4】:专业监理工程师巡视施工现场时,发现正在施工的部位存在安全事故隐患,立即签发 《监理通知单》 ,要求施工单位整改, 施工单位拒不整改, 总监理工程师拟签发 《工程暂停令》 要求施工单位停止施工,建设单位以工期紧为由不同意停工,总监理工程师没有签发《工程暂停令》 ,也没有及时向有关主管部门报告。最终因该事故隐患未能及时排除而导致严重的生产安全事故。 问题: 1、指出事件1中监理单位法定代表人的做法有哪些不妥,分别写出正确做法。 2、指出事件2中工程开工还应具备哪些条件。 3、指出事件3中总监理工程师的做法有哪些不妥,分别写出正确做法。 4、分别指出事件4中建设单位、施工单位和总监理工程师对该生产安全事故是否承担责任,并说明理由。
试题分类: 案例分析
试题分类: 水利
某工程的桩基工程和内装饰工程属于依法必须招标的暂估价分包工程,施工合同约定由施工单位负责招标。 施工单位通过招标选择了 A单位分包桩基工程施工。 工程实施过程中发生如下事件: 事件 1:工程开工前,项目监理机构审查了施工单位报送的工程开工报审表及相关资料。确认具备开工条件后, 总监理工程师在工程开工报审表中签署了同意开工的审核意见,同时签发了工程开工令。 事件 2:项目监理机构在巡视时发现,有A、B两家桩基工程施工单位在现场施工,经调查核实,为了保证施工进度,A 单位安排 B单位进场施工,且 A、B两单位之间签了承包合同,承包合同中明确主楼区域外的桩基工程由B单位负责施工。 事件 3:建设单位负责采购的一批工程材料提前运抵现场后,临时放置在现场备用仓库。该批材料使用前,按合同约定进行了清点和检验,发现部分材料损毁。为此,施工单位向项目监理机构提出申请,要求建设单位重新购置损毁的工程材料,并支付该批工程材料检验费。 事件 4:室内装饰工程招标工作启动后,施工单位在向项目监理机构报送的招标方案中提出: (1)允许施工单位的参股公司参与投标; (2)投标单位必须具有本地类似工程业绩; (3)招标控制价由施工单位最终确定; (4)建设单位和施工单位共同确定中标人; (5)由施工单位发出中标通知书; (6)建设单位和施工单位共同与中标人签订合同。 问题: 1. 指出事件 1 中的不妥之处,写出正确做法 2. 事件 2 中,A、B两单位之间签订的承包合同是否有效?说明理由。写出项目监理机构对该事件的处理程序。 3. 逐项回答事件 3 中施工单位的要求是否合理,说明理由。 4. 逐项指出事件 4 招标方案中的提法是否妥当,不妥之处说明理由。
试题分类: 案例分析
试题分类: 初级电工证(五级)
事件 1:监理合同签订后, 监理单位技术负责人组织编制了监理规划并报法定代表人审批,在第一次工地会议后,项目监理机构将监理规划送建设单位。 事件 2:总监理工程师委托总监理工程师代表完成下列工作:①组织召开监理例会;②组织审查施工组织设计; ③组织审核分包单位资格; ④组织审查工程变更; ⑤签发工程款支付证书;④调解建设单位与施工单位的合同争议。 事件 3:总监理工程师在巡视中发现,施工现场有一台起重机械安装后未经验收即投入使用,且存在严重安全事故隐患, 总监理工程师随即向施工单位签发监通知单要求整改并及时报告建设单位。 事件 4:工程完工经自检合格后,施工单位向项目监理机构报送了工程竣工验收报审表及竣工资料,申请工程竣工验收(来源:建匠教育)。总监理工程师组织各专业监理工程师审查了竣工资料, 认为施工过程中已对所有分部分项工程进行过验收且均合格,随即在工程竣工验收报审表中签署了预验收合格的意见。 问题: 1. 指出事件 1 中的不妥之处,写出正确做法。 2. 逐条指出事件 2 中,总监理工程师可委托和不可委托总监理工程师代表完成的工作。 3. 指出事件 3 中总监理工程师的做法有哪些不妥, 说明理由。写出要求施工单位整改的内容。 4. 根据《建设工程监理规范》 ,指出事件 4 中总监理工程师做法的不妥之处,写出总监理工程师在工程竣工预验收中还应组织完成的工作。
试题分类: 案例分析