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更新时间:2024-11-16 04:21:37

The extent to which people are influenced by advertisements can be measured in terms of the high sales of popular consumer goods, many of them being unnecessary or completely useless. Mainly through the media, advertisements on products and services are able to penetrate the public mind with half truth and half lying. In many cases, consumers are becoming so greedy that they are not only buying things they really do not need but also spending the money they do not have.

Although advertising gives people a chance as consumers, actually most advertisements tend to cause them to desire for something worthless. Under such circumstances, it is easy to change people's need into greed. So much so, they are constantly encouraged to want things--want this and want that. This human behavior is haunted by the media from all fronts: on radio, on television, and online, not to mention printed circulations such as newspapers and magazines. Obviously, a great number of "impulsive" buyers are persuaded under the illusion that new products or services could make a difference in their lives. Despite all the benefits of the free market economy, the effects of unreliable advertising are particularly negative in that the power of advertising does not reflect the real needs of the society in which products and services are sold.

Worse still, many consumers are convinced to waste money they do not have. Surrounded by advertisements, people are too unwise to perform a balanced act between income and expenditure. Increasingly, what seems to be good for economy begins to backfire because advertising is misleading consumers deeply into commercial debts which they probably could not afford to pay in due time. Thus, instead of improving people's lives, advertising may be considered as a "necessary evil" in modern time. Furthermore, as manufacturing and service companies are competing to have a larger share of the market, it is next to impossible to expect the media to reduce the amount of dishonest advertising. Besides, when it comes to making money, companies and the media are in the same religion.

After all, greed being a human instinct, consumers have only themselves to blame for their foolishness toward advertisements. Since outlawing commercial advertising is out of the question, people should educate themselves to be more prudent in buying and spending behaviors. As for consumers, what better measures can be taken to protect themselves other than self-control?









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作文 以下面提供的材料为依托,遵循“请示”的写作格式只要求写明标题、受文单位、正文、行文单位、成文时间,按照“请示”的写作要求,以广东省人民政府的名义,向国务院起草一份内容先后有序、结构合理的“请示”。 丹霞山风景名胜区位于广东省韶关市仁化、曲江两县境内,面积186平方公里,分丹霞山、韶石山、大石山三个景区。距韶关市区最近处10公里,最远处50公里,柏油公路直达主峰景区,观光旅游的交通十分方便。 根据国务院《风景名胜区管理条例》,我们对丹霞山风景名胜区进行了资源调查、评价,编制了总体规划。现申请把丹霞山风景名胜区列为国家重点名胜区,请审批。 据地质考证,6500万年前丹霞山所在地是一个大湖泊,由于造山运动,形成红岩峭壁和嶙峋洞穴,构成奇异自然风景。在全世界同类地形中,以丹霞山最为典型,“丹霞地貌”已成为国际地质学名词。现丹霞山景区已开发接待游人的范围为12平方公里,主要景点有87处,山、瀑、江、湖兼备,绿化良好,兼之摩崖刻、寺庵、亭台楼阁点缀其间,自然人文景观丰富。靠丹霞山南侧的韶石山景区,傍地浈水,是历史上舜帝南巡奏乐之处,内有“三十六石”的奇景;丹霞山两侧的大石山景区,类似丹霞山的奇山异峰,有丹寨幽洞、岩柱等自然景观。在丹霞山风景名胜区附近,有“金鸡岭”、“九龙十八滩”、“古佛岩”、“南华寺”、“马坝人遗址”等风景及名胜古迹,总面积约4万平方公里。目前,粤北地区以丹霞山风景名胜区为中心形成了我省一条重要的旅游线。
试题分类: 公共基础知识